Victory Doctors Team
Dr. M.R. Srivatsan is an eminent Homoeopathic Physician practicing in Malleswaram, Bangalore, since twenty-six years. The Silver Era of his professional life is indeed glorious. Dr Srivatsan has a versatile personality
It is indeed rare to find so many traits in a person. He is an efficient organizer, an academician and also a diligent worker. His extrovert and curious nature have made him an earnest learner.
The best homeopathy doctor in Sahakara Nagar is a perfectionist and is also very committed to his work. The dignity of labor is true in his case. Any work undertaken by him, big or small is always done by the same zeal.
He is very popular and is always a centre of attraction wherever he goes. It is no wonder, that his patients always look upon him. They feel secure and comfortable under his care. Generally one person in a family goes for consultation and the rest just follow. So, he is more a family physician and has to balance them accordingly.
Victory Homoeo Pharmacy, the consulting chamber is synonymous with Dr. Srivatsan’s name. He completed his undergraduation in 1985 from A.M.Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College Belgaum and M.D.(Hom) in Materia Medica – in 2003 from Sonajirao Kshirsagar Homoeopathic Medical College Beed, Maharashtra State affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad.
Dr. Srivatsan’s parents, Dr.Chanchala and Dr. Radhakrishnan were among the few Homoeopaths who brought homoeopathy to its limelight in the early sixties. Dr. Chanchala has put in almost forty years of practice and was awarded a gold medal by the Govt. of Karnataka for her yeoman service.
A Pioneer in modernizing the practice of Homoeopathy, Dr Srivatsan has been a trendsetter in applying the homoeopathic software. He is the first person in Karnataka to use the Homoeopathic software since 1988 successfully in his practice. He not only used the computer, but also encouraged his colleagues to use it. He is a born leader and a very sincere person. His charismatic personality and the aura around him is mesmerizing. Born in an illustrious family of Homoeopathy Doctors he has always had an edge over others.
About Victory
The Kaleidoscopic view of Dr. Srivatsan’s activities is awesome. He has always been ready to take responsibilities and so at an early age he was elected the President of the Homoeopathic Medical Association of India, Karnataka State Branch for the period 1993-2000. He has been elected twice to the Central Council of Homoeopathy, New Delhi (Govt. of India).
He has been the Executive Member of Central Council of Homoeopathy from 1996-2010. He has been nominated twice to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences as a Senate Member from June 2003 onwards.
He has also been elected twice to the Karnataka Board of Homoeopathic Systems of Medicine (Govt. of Karnataka) from 1995.
He is the Editor of Homoeopathic Forum , a monthly newsletter of Homoeopathic Medical Association of India, Karnataka State Branch that is freely circulated all over the country from 2007.
He is also an Authorized Medical Attendant to Central Silk Board and C.P.R.I He has also taken the post of General Secretary of HMAI from 2003-2006.
He has also been given the post of Vice-President Zone VI HMAI during 2003-2006. He then motivated the young Doctor’s by conferring them with posts at the State level and he started taking interest in HMAI at the All India level.
He has been elected the Zonal Organizing Secretary from 2006 onwards and now recently he has been elected as the Joint Secretary General to The Homoeopathic Medical Association of India from 2011.
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